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Flush Riveting Tips

The GlaStar is not typically built with flush rivets, but some builders are using them anyway. This does not improve aerodynamics, but helps if...

Spins in a GlaStar

I did my required spin training for the instructor's rating in the second, demo GlaStar. (Learned to fly in a Luscombe, didn't enjoy spinning...

Glasair Aft Chord Line Board

Submitted by Fred & Chris Van Raden, Glasair II-S RG builders After wing closing and before removing the wing from the jig, install the wing...

Doing Business with the Glasair III

"You try to do too many things when we go someplace," is a comment I'll sometimes hear from my wife, Bonita. And I guess...


Made it back from Memphis, TN today. Nice stretch of N19HL legs. We added two more states to our list (Tennessee, and Arkansas), and got...


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