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Cool Tools

A while back I was asked how I was getting so much done on my plane in a short period of time. Naturally I...

Transition Training Challenges

Pilots who haven't started transition training into the Glastar or Sportsman should be prepared to encounter a few challenges that are quite common for...

First Flight of Bruce Kirkwood’s Glasair Super II

Bruce Kirkwood reported a successful first flight today of Glasair Super II kit #2465: "Nearly eleven years in to my four year project, VH-KJX...

Stainless-Steel Exhaust Systems

The installation and inspection of your aircraft’s exhaust system are fairly straightforward subjects, but we get enough queries from both Glasair and GlaStar builders...

Flying In Poor Weather

The GlaStar is such a fine, stable airplane flying slowly that it opens up some interesting possibilities for poor weather flying. Have you thought...


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