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Common Questions and Answers About the GlaStar

Q. Why metal wings from a company with so much experience with composites? A. The design objective's drove this decision, primarily the low-cost objective, composite's...

GlaStar on Zenair Floats

Written by Bill Bracken This is my 2010 Glastar on Zenair amphibious floats which I completed over the last 18 months. The first flight took...

Brake Caliper Threaded Rod Separation

An email from one of our members with a Glasair II-RG prompted a flurry of activity these last few days. As you can see, the...

Starting the Engine Safely

This tip was submitted by Tom Hoffman, Glasair III. With 650 hours on the aircraft, N54ODE recently experienced failure of the starter solenoid, which is not...

Advisory Circular: How to Stay Safe in Unfamiliar Aircraft

New AC advises pilots on how to stay safe in unfamiliar aircraft Experimental airplane flights represent only a small component of total general aviation (GA)...


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