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Effective Low-cost Solutions

Omar and I were sharing how nice it is to find low cost solutions that are effective and I mentioned a few things I...

Matt Freeman’ s GlaStar Accident in Alaska

I spoke with Matt Freeman this morning--he and his daughter are fine. Matt has a GlaStar taildragger with large, 26" tundra tires and likes...

Method For Locating Slotted Flap Hinges

Submitted by Randy Bretton This method was used to locate the slotted flap hinges and build the flaps on my Super II FT. One advantage of...

Cake Frosting Applicator for Applying Resin/Mill Fiber Mix Warning

I recently heard a great suggestion for applying the resin/mill fiber mixture to the rib and spar tops of wings, stabilizers, rudders, etc. The...


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